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Spiritual Care Staff


Rev. Terry Ruth Culbertson

Reverend Terry Ruth Culbertson

'Rev. Terry' is a native of Baltimore, MD. 在被召入牧师部门之前,她是州警察局的插画师. 她在Drew完成了神学和临床牧师实习的硕士学位,并在1979年搬到锡拉丘兹成为锡拉丘兹地区宗教间理事会牧师护理主任之前,在急性护理和心理健康方面获得了住院医师资格. She is ordained in the Church of God (Anderson), 是专业牧师协会的认证牧师吗, 注册临床教牧教育主管和注册病理学家. 她在长期护理、临终关怀、矫正、急性护理和精神病学领域工作了30多年. 神在2003年秋天呼召她到上州,成为属灵关怀的第一位经理.

Bob Crandall

Bob Crandall

Bob Crandall grew up in Rochester, 他在Niagara Mohawk/Constellation公司做了35年的电工,然后是系统工程师. He has a BS from Clarkson University. 他做了40年的志愿消防员,在奥斯威戈县教授防火知识,并为青少年消防人员提供咨询. In 2009 he became a Master in Reiki therapy. 2011年,他作为精神护理部门的志愿者来到上州医疗中心,为病人提供灵气,这是他志愿工作的一部分. 他修读了两个临床牧师教育单元,现在是该部门的助理牧师. 2018年1月,他被精神护理部聘为灵气团队协调员. 灵气志愿者团队为病人、门诊病人和护理人员提供灵气.

Rev. Jane E. Dasher

Rev. Jane E. Dasher

Rev. Dasher began as the fulltime Pediatric Chaplain on January 17, 2013. She served as chaplain at Sisters of Charity Hospital/St. Joseph Campus in Cheektowaga, NY prior to her appointment at Upstate. Rev. Dasher之前是尼亚加拉临终关怀医院的牧师. Buffalo), and Prince William Hospital in Manassas, Virginia. 她还曾在尼亚加拉瀑布的美国长老会教堂担任牧师, Bethesda, MD, Manassas, VA and Wilmington, NC, and in Lutheran (ELCA) churches in East Amherst and Elma, NY.


Deacon Dare Dutter

Deacon Dare Dutter

Deacon Dare Dutter, MS, MS, CAS, Diocesan Chaplain, 被任命为主教已经三年了,是德威特圣十字教堂的执事. 他已经完成了临床牧灵教育的一个单元,并将进入他的第三年作为教区牧师在上州立大学医院. 他正在通过全国天主教牧师协会(National Association of Catholic Chaplains)获得牧师资格认证,并计划参加更多的CPE课程. In a previous life, 迪肯·杜特在锡拉丘兹市学校担任了33年的学校管理人员和教师. While he has no real hobbies, he is an excellent yo-yo artist, 并且可以在迷失方向之前倒立几分钟——这可不是一件小事, if you ask him.

Sister Mary Anuli Emebo

Sister Mary Anuli Emebo

Sister Mary Anulichukwu is originally from Nigeria. 她属于圣母玛利亚无玷圣心修女会. She moved to the United States of America in 1999. 自2001年以来,她一直担任牧师,并于2009年获得全国天主教牧师协会的董事会认证. 她最近从阿拉斯加搬来,在那里她曾在普罗维登斯医疗系统工作. Sister于2016年7月加入Upstate,担任副牧师和监督教育学生.

Rev. Dr. Therese Howington

Therese Howington

Therese Howington grew up in Pasadena, 她曾在企业界工作,后来接受了牧师的召唤. She earned her Master of Divinity (M.Div) from Regent University in Virginia Beach, 并在上州医科大学获得了四个临床教牧教育单位. She has nearly completed her Doctor of Ministry (D.Min) from Regent University. In addition to all of these accomplishments, In December of 2022, 特蕾兹被任命为联合基督教会的牧师,以医院牧师的身份为上帝和上帝的子民服务. 她担任精神护理部门的牧师和神职人员护理协调员.

Father Eric Malcom

Fr. Eric Malcom

Fr. Eric Malcom came to Upstate Medical University in May of 2019. 在完成四个单元的CPE后,他被聘为姑息治疗牧师. Prior to coming to Upstate, Fr. Eric was an instructor at Holy Trinity Seminary in Jordanville, NY. He completed an M.Div at Saint Tikhon’s Orthodox Seminary in South Canaan, PA. 他的背景包括在美国陆军预备役担任牧师. He was ordained as a priest in the Russian Orthodox Church in 2011. A native of Montana, Fr. Eric enjoys fishing and hiking.

Father Robert Hyde

Father Rob Hyde

Fr. Robert Hyde was born in Concord, MA and raised in Acton, MA, Grosse Pointe Farms, MI, Darien, CT, and Cazenovia, NY. He graduated from Portsmouth Abbey School in Portsmouth, RI in 1978 and St. Lawrence University in 1982. Fr. 1982年,罗伯特在纽约戈德华特纪念医院学习临床教牧教育. 他在天主教大学神学院完成了神学院的学业, Washington, DC and was ordained in 1988. Fr. 他曾在多个教区任职,2004-2008年在克劳斯医院担任牧师, He is currently the pastor of St. 玛格丽特的教堂在马蒂代尔,纽约,是一个随叫随到的牧师在克劳斯,北州,圣. Joseph's, and the Syracuse VA hospitals.

Rev. Gerry McKeon, S.J.

Reverend Gerry McKeon

Rev. Gerry McKeon is a Jesuit priest from northern New Jersey. He attended the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, MA. 他曾在伊萨卡学院和康奈尔大学担任牧师,并在格洛斯特的东方点静修所担任工作人员, MA.

Rev. Dr. Ejike Innocent Onyenagubo

The Rev. Dr. Ejike Innocent Onyenagubo

英诺森神父是尼日利亚人,被任命为罗马天主教神父. He has been in Syracuse since 1999, 最近在利物浦圣母无玷圣心教堂担任教区牧师. Fr. 英诺森是北州临床牧养教育培训项目的毕业生, where he interned in neurology, oncology and cardiology. 他被认证为全国天主教牧师协会的牧师. 2008年,英诺森神父成为上州第一位全职天主教神父. He also is Roman Catholic Chaplain at Hutchings Psychiatric Center.

Rev. Msgr. Francis Osei-Nyarko

Rev. Msgr. Francis Osei-Nyarko

Fr. Msgr. Francis Osei-Nyarko is an ordained Roman Catholic priest from Ghana. He completed one unit of CPE in the summer of 2016. He is currently the priest at St. Rose of Lima Church in North Syracuse.


Rev. Lou Sogliuzzo, S.J.

Reverend Lou Sogliuzzo

Rev. Lou Sogliuzzo is a Jesuit priest. 他是勒莫恩学院耶稣会社区的成员,也是精神更新中心的工作人员. 他于1979年加入耶稣会,1987年在福特汉姆大学被任命为圣职.

Chaplain Alisa Unell

Chaplain Alisa Unell is originally from Los Angeles, California. 她搬到了东部,在普林斯顿神学院获得了神学硕士学位,之后她在伯利恒完成了医院牧师的实习, Pennsylvania. Alisa致力于她在医疗保健牧师的工作,并对在黑暗中保持空间充满热情,同时在光明出现时指出微光。Alisa对在Upstate服侍感到兴奋和感激,在空闲时间喜欢徒步旅行, kayaking, and spending time with dogs.

Rev. Dr. Severine Yagaza

The Rev. Dr. Severine Yagaza

Fr. Severine Yagaza is an ordained Roman Catholic priest. He serves Upstate as an on-call priest Chaplain. He is a native of Tanzania. He completed four units of Clinical Pastoral Education at Upstate. He holds an Ed.D. from Binghamton University. He serves as Parochial Vicar at St. Matthew's Parish in East Syracuse as well as Priest Chaplain at St. Joseph's Hospital in Syracuse. His wonderful smile lights up a room!
