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Setting of The Internship

纽约州立大学上州医科大学是纽约中部唯一的学术医学中心, and one of about 120 in the United States. Academic Medical Centers, 是建在医学院和教学医院周围的吗, lead the nation in conducting medical research, educating health care professionals, and providing the most advanced care to patients. 我们的四所大学教育来自纽约州的学生, and across the country and the world. The Upstate University Health System, 包括大学医院和许多卫星手术, serves 1.来自锡拉丘兹和更大的纽约中部地区的800万人. 鉴于医疗中心的临床集水区, 事实上,学术和临床企业都优先考虑来自所有社会经济背景的人, 我们的实习生有机会在所有实习环境中与不同群体的人一起工作. 


A Tour of the Psychology Internship Setting at Upstate

Core inpatient training settings

Inpatient Psychiatry:

The inpatient psychiatry unit, opened in 1969, houses 23 beds, 专门从事成人自愿和非自愿住院的急症护理, admitting between 800-1000 patients per year. 患者主要是白人(77%),其次是非裔美国人(15%)和拉丁裔(5%)。. 68% are unemployed.  据估计,85%的人被诊断患有人格障碍, 74%的人被诊断为情绪障碍,15%的人被诊断为精神障碍(了解更多信息), see representative sample discussed in Leontieva, et al., attached).  The unit adopts an interdisciplinary model, 实习医生作为精神科医生团队的一员工作, psychologists, social workers, nurses, occupational therapists, recreational therapists, and mental health therapy aides. 成人轨道实习生提供个人心理治疗, psychological assessment, 在有执照的心理学家的指导下进行小组心理治疗, Susan Sperry, Ph.D. 

Inpatient Health Psychology (Unit 2N):

在这里,实习生作为物理医学和康复科多学科团队的一部分工作. 实习生的工作对象是有持续身体创伤和各种医疗状况的住院病人, such as stroke, traumatic brain injury, or spinal cord injury, to support behavioral, cognitive, emotional, and social needs for optimal outcomes and recovery. Training activities include psycho-education, brief individual and family therapy interventions, basic neuropsychological screening, team consultation, leading an education and processing group for families, observation of different aspects of rehab (e.g.(OT, PT, SLP),以及对康复心理学感兴趣的主题的研究和报告.

University Hospital:

大学医院拥有350个床位,是大学的主要教学医院. UH has long cared for many of the most seriously ill, injured, and economically disadvantaged, in New York state. 它是一级创伤中心,是该地区唯一的儿童医院, Golisano Children’s Hospital, as well as the new Upstate Cancer Center. 大学医院也是纽约州指定的中心: StrokeAIDSTrauma, BurnSAFE services, and Poison Control, and offers 77 unique specialty clinics. Its Diabetes Program (我们的心理学教授深度参与其中)是纽约卓越中心,它的 Epilepsy Center is a Level 4, the highest designation possible. In keeping with the Upstate vision上州继续创建新的卓越中心,如最近增加的 Upstate Golisano Children's Hospital, in addition to centers focused on cancer, breast carecardiovascular care and open heart surgery, behavioral medicine, and stroke.   

Core Outpatient Settings


位于哈里森街713号的儿童和青少年诊所是一家培训诊所. 是否已发展成为社区儿童门诊护理的主要中心. 儿童和青少年诊所的附属项目是ENHANCE项目, a primary care setting serving children in foster care, 实习生可以在心理学家罗纳德·萨莱茨基的指导下工作. 

Upstate Student Counseling Services:

Serving the “university side” of the medical center, 学生辅导服务(SCS)提供心理治疗, community outreach, and pharmacotherapy to the 1,我们四所学院(医学院)招收了550名入学学生, Nursing, Health Professions, and Graduate Studies). Many of our students are from New York State, 但也有相当一部分来自其他州和国家, and range in age from 18 to 60+, with a mean age (within SCS) of 24. 66%的学生病人是女性,57%是白人. While student patients come from all four colleges, the majority are medical students; the most prevalent diagnoses are anxiety and depressive disorders, but SCS treats a breadth of presenting problems, including personality and psychotic disorders. 学生咨询服务中心由三位实习教师组成:博士. Vanderhoff and Miller co-direct the service, and Dr. Mbuqe serves as Senior Counselor. 与精神病学诊所一起,SCS设在精神病学部门.


Located one block from the hospital, 这些建筑是心理学实习培训项目的中心,也是上州精神病学部门(包括临床心理学部门)的所在地。. 713 Harrison的儿童和青少年诊所为儿童心理学主管和实习生提供单独的办公室, while next door at 719, the adult psychology faculty and interns are housed. In these buildings, you'll also find a vibrant community of faculty, staff, and trainees from the disciplines of general medicine, clinical psychology, psychiatry, social work, and nursing. 营造持续合作与交流的氛围, 不仅跨越学科,而且跨越理论观点, 为实习生提供一种培训模式,这必然会丰富他们作为心理学家所面临的工作环境.

Resources for Interns

Upstate Medical University 维护一个大的医学和科学图书馆,实习生可以完全访问. 雪城大学的普通图书馆和专业图书馆, just up the hill, are also readily available.  The Upstate Campus Activities Building 提供健身房,游泳池和其他体育和社会活动的设施. 校园活动委员会全年都会举办社交活动, including comedy hour, coffeehouse music series, and movie night. 雪城大学赞助各种戏剧、电影、讲座、音乐和体育项目.

The City of Syracuse

锡拉丘兹拥有许多文化资源,包括 Syracuse Stage, the acclaimed Everson Museum of Art, the Red House, and the OnCenter, the historic Landmark Theatre, and the beautiful new Lakeview Amphitheater. Syracuse is visited by Broadway theater productions, major orchestras, and numerous jazz, pop, rock, and country music performers. 锡拉丘兹的夜生活也很活跃,有很棒的餐馆、酒吧和一家唱片店 Armory Squaresection of the city. The well-known Tipperary Hillneighborhood, where even the traffic light puts green on the top, offers a bit of Irish-American culture, while the city also boasts its own Little Italy. 锡拉丘兹地区和纽约中部的自然美景非常适合徒步旅行, kayaking, skiing, and wine tasting. Summer in Syracuse is alive with outdoor concerts, theatre, and festivals, including the annual New York State Fair.

