牧师. 哈罗德·桑迪·桑德森, who has retired from being a chaplain at 上州立大学医院, tells two different stories about the origin of his nickname.
牧师. 哈罗德·桑迪·桑德森, who has retired from being a chaplain at 上州立大学医院, tells two different stories about the origin of his nickname.

Minister says he gave back by volunteering as a hospital chaplain

牧师. 哈罗德·“桑迪”·桑德森是一名长老会牧师,在服务了近40年后,他将辞去上州大学医院志愿神职人员的职务. 他解释说,他的志愿者角色使他能够回馈社区. 
